Friday, January 27, 2012

My greenhouse for nurturing plants

Some overwintering pots
I don't know if it is because of growing up on a farm or if I've just learned through life that I am a nurturer.  But I am.  I do it with my kids, my relationships and my garden.  I invest time and energy and thought. 
Our under-deck greenhouse.

I have desired to have a garden shed or greenhouse for, well, since I started gardening.  The thought of nurturing little seeds or new plants, watching them grow, taking care of their needs- it sounded like the perfect thing.  So, I started looking at all these different greenhouse plans for do-it-yourself-ers.  But cash flow always seemed to be a hurdle that wouldn't allow it to happen.  My husband and I happened upon an idea, after much thought, that has turned out to be a feasible one.  Basically we utilized the space under our 2nd story deck as a greenhouse, enclosing it with plastic, grabbed a screen door that a neighbor was throwing away and found shelving.  In our relatively mild winters, I only need to turn on a space heater when it is threatening to be in the 30s or lower.  Granted, the plastic needs to be replaced every year or two.  But, it has worked for us.

Hanging pots, big pots & little pots on shelves
I have overwintered my hanging pots, so I don't have to buy all new plants in the Spring.  I have been able to make new starts of plants I already have, thus filling my pots and beds (and  I usually have leftovers to give away).   I can start seeds in Spring in which the plants are bigger when I put them out in the gardens or pots.

A bromeliad that Aunt Judy gave me.
Just so you don't think it is always a success story, I did take my favorite color of coleus stems and put them in water to make them grow roots.  Then I potted them and put them in my greenhouse around October/November.  They were doing great till I let it get too cold and lost them when the temps dropped this month. I forgot to turn on the heater. It happens.  But everything else has done well.  I even have a bromeliad blooming because of the warm days that heat up the greenhouse to 80 degrees sometimes.
We have hammered nails into the overhead deck boards to hang pots. From dry cleaner hangers, I have taken out the cardboard piece and used the metal part to hang on the nails, bringing the pots closer to my reach. I have a little potting bench that my hubby made when we moved to Georgia.  It is great to have a workspace for re-potting and starting seeds.  But I happened onto something a few years ago when we were cleaning out the kids plastic bin that held outdoor toys.  The hinged lid was starting to break and we were going to toss it in the trash.  But I stuck it in the greenhouse while I thought about how I could use it.  Then it came to me- a bin for soil!  It is perfect, with a big opening.  No more wrestling with the bag and spilling soil everywhere.  And I even leave my plastic spade in there where I need it. 

 So, I have a place to nurture my garden plants.  It is not a fancy new shed, but I works for me and my budget. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you use a grow light? It seems like, since you have the deck above, you wouldn't get enough light. I am seriously thinking about doing this. What a great idea!!
