Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February seeds are growing

It's February and I'm getting the "bug"!  I feel the call to start digging in the dirt again.  My list keep growing, (especially after pouring over Pintrest), but I'll take it one week at a time. 

So, two weeks ago, I spaded one square of my vegetable garden and sowed some cool season vegetables straight into the soil:  peas, lettuce, carrots and spinach.  We had a drop in temperature, so not sure if I need to re-seed or not.  I was reading up on the temperatures needed to germinate.  The ground needs to stay at 35 degrees for spinach, but peas need air temperature at 60-65 degrees.  So, may need to replant the peas.

pepper seeds starting to sprout
I also got out my clear plastic bins, cleaned them up from last year and filled 2 of them with fresh soil.  I turned the other 2 clear bins upside down and "hinged" them with duct tape to the filled bottoms.  I then added some water to moisten the potting soil.  Finally, I made little ditches with a popsicle stick, sprinkled my seeds and labeled my popsicle sticks.  One "terrarium" is different varieties of tomatoes; the other is different variety of peppers.  They are stacked on top of each other by my sliding glass doors.  After 2 weeks, I have tomato sprouts and peppers just starting to come up!  So excited!  I am trying to remember to turn the boxes every few days, because they bend toward the light and I don't want leaning plants.

tomato sprouts in plastic bin

engraved, flattened spoons markers

Last night I found my spoons that had nicks in them, (because of  slipping down into the kitchen disposal).  I got a hammer and flattened them out and then used my husband's engraving tool to write herb names on them.  They will add charm to my herb pots.  I had been wanting to do that for years and finally got it done.

I also had my first Backyard Gardener's Workshop on Saturday, Feb 18th!  We had 6 attendees with lots of questions.  Talked about how gardening in doing the stuff of tilling, amending Georgian clay, seasons of planting and watering.  I tried to  reassure the ladies to start with a few things so as not to waste their resources and get discouraged.  We did the the seed-starting with the bins they brought.  And I talked about being simply organized, like using an old calender to record when to do what or using a binder to put your garden notes and ideas in.  I tried to keep the information simple and told them to try some things.  If it doesn't work, adjust some things and try again.  I think it was helpful.  Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to do this!  It was fun.  They wanted to know when the next one is!  Good sign.

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